Vår vision

Making sustainability a default

We want to help consumers all over the world to make informed purchase decisions that are good both for the wallet and the planet. We want to contribute to making sustainable consumption and production the norm. We want to be part of creating a world where the word sustainability no longer needs to be used. Basically, we want to make sustainability into a default.

Because there is no Planet B.

Consumption is part of the problem, but we believe it can also be part of the solution. Every time you purchase something, you can use your wallet to vote for a better tomorrow. A single mindful purchase might feel like a drop in the ocean, but what if millions of people around the world were also using their wallets to vote for a sustainable future?

By changing the way we consume, we can change society. Purchase by purchase.

But making good choices is way too hard today. There are so many different sustainability certificates attached to products today that are hard to compare, and some companies invent their own subjective sustainability markings that are hard to trust. Even worse, some companies don’t even present any sustainability information at all about their products.
Archr wants to be your guide in this jungle. We want to be the loyal friend you can receive advice from and trust at any time when it comes to sustainability assessment. Archr is here to empower you with sustainability information that is easy to digest, so that you can own your consumption. Instead of feeling shame every time you make a purchase, we want you to feel proud over your choices.
Archr is on a mission to empower consumers to enable the shift towards a sustainable tomorrow. The more consumers demanding sustainable products, the more pressure is put on companies to adopt more sustainable production practices. Together, we consumers have the power to change. Let’s get the ball rolling. And we hope you want to be part of creating this snowball effect!